General Info
According to the magazine "America Economia", 16 Colombian hospitals and clinics where ranked between the group of the best 40 in Latin America. These ranking confirms why Colombia is still positioning as one of the best tourist destinations of health due to the excellent quality of service provided by health institutions at the country. The mentioned magazine uses several factors to come up with this classification such as safety procedures, worthy management of the patient, human capital, capacity, knowledge, efficiency and reputation.
Within the Group of distinguished institutions can be found:
• Bogotá: "Hospital San Ignacio","Fundación Santa Fe", "Fundación Cardioinfantil", "Clínica del Occidente", "Instituto de Ortopedia Infantil Roosevelt" and "Clínica Marly"
• Bucaramanga : "Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia", "Foscal"
• Cali : "Fundación Valle de Lili", "Centro Medico Imbanaco", "Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe", "Fundación San Vicente de Paul", "Clínica Las Américas", "Hospital General de Medellín" , "Clínica León XIII" and "Clínica Medellín"
The National Government has been supporting the international accreditation of several institutions. Currently, 16 of them have national accreditation and 2 of them international accreditation being one of them granted by the Joint Commission International.
Relevant information from the tourism of health sector in Colombia:
• Privileged geographical situation: Colombia is located at 3 hour flight from Miami and less than 6 hours from New York, Washington, Buenos Aires and Mexico
• Competitive service costs: in the country you can receive treatments by only 10% of the cost which tended if they were requested in the United States with the same standards of quality and technology
• According to a study made by the World Health Organization, the Colombian system of health is ranked 22 in the world and the first in Latin America
• According to the magazine "America Economia", 40% of the best institutions of health at Latin America are in Colombia
• Colombia is developing the welfare sector and hopes to be also a world-class player for the provision of welfare services
• International positioning of our specialists and subspecialists, who have been recognized as scientists leaders
• Health institutions are accredited according to international standards of quality
• Support for investors: Colombia has policies of free trade zones for health branch of business