Regional Overview
Colombia is an amazingly diverse country within South America, home to stunning stretches of Caribbean coastline bordering the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The climate is generally described as tropical, but with varying temperatures due to trade winds, humidity and different thermal floors. Columbia's diversity is astonishing with opportunities to scale modern skyscrapers, dance the night away in a vast array of nightlcubs, trek through the dense jungle or enjoy a safari with breathtaking views of the Amazon. There really is something for everyone's taste in Columbia, with whale watching, coffee plantations and archaeological ruins all thrown into the mix.
Slip away into a dreamlike state as you enjoy long, hot days of sunshine and the warmth of the locals, always happy to assist and advise.
Colombia has a population of 46 million and a great cultural diversity which varies with the different altitudes. The essence of Columbia resides in the geographically isolated cities based in the mountains, such as Bogotá, Medellin and Cali in addition to the smaller cities of the Zona Cafetera. Colombia is a multi-ethnic and multicultural country and every region of Colombia presents different traditions, music, styles of dance, theatre, architecture, crafts and food.
Colombia is a destination with a priviledged location; it is a tropical paradise with long sunlight hours for all 365 days of the year due to its location on the equator. Cartagena, Santa Marta and Barranquilla are just a few of the beautiful cities located right on the coast of the Carribean Sea where the locals are as kind and cheerful as the weather is sunny and warm. It is also a country with an enormous selection of awe-inspiring natural formations and plenty of opportunities to experience Columbia's vast array of wildlife. Visit Providencia and the islands of San Andres for some examples of nature at its most beautiful, or to discover Columbia's rich wildlife, plan a trip to one of the many forests or the Amazon jungle. Columbia has a huge number of amphibians and birds which account to 20% of the world's total count. More than half of the mainland is covered by rain forests that house more than 120,000 different species of plants.
Due to Columbia's prime position on the equator, travellers seeking colourful scenery, unique landscapes, a great coffee bursting with flavour and delicious tropical fruits in addition to a thriving social scene will find Columbia to be their paradise. Diverse festivals, fairs, carnivals and cultural events take place every month, including the following:
• Carnaval de Blancos y Negros (The Black and White Carnival) at Pasto, Nariño
• Feria de Manizales (Manizales Fair) at Manizales, Caldas
• Carnaval de Barranquilla (Carnival of Barranquilla) at Barranquilla, Atlantico
• Festival de Teatro de Bogotá ( Bogota´s International Theater Festival), at Bogotá, Cundinamarca which takes place every two years
• Festival de Vallenato (Vallenato´s Festival) at Valledupar, Cesar
• Festival Folclorico de Ibagué (Ibague´s Folcloric Festival) at Ibagué, Tolima
• Reinado Nacional del Bambuco (Bambuco´s National Pageant festival) at Neiva, Huila
• Feria de las Flores (The Flowers Fair), Antioquia
• Fiestas de la Independencia (Independence Fair Celebration) at Cartagena, Atlantico
• Feria de Cali (Cali´s Fair) at Cali, Valle
After knowing all the things named before, Colombia is a MUST destination in tourism and business plans!