Holiday Calendar
A law was issued in order to reduce the number of holidays, which aims to postpone the celebration of the holidays on the next Monday. For example the Columbus Day in 2013 will take place on October 12th, but it was held on October 14th last year.
This law has some exceptions including New Year, Eastern, International Labor Day, Independence Day, Battle of Boyaca, Immaculate Conception and Christmas. These events will be held on the day they effectively occur.
January 1, 2013, Tuesday, New Year
Traditional celebrations for the start of a new calendar year.
January 7, 2013, Tuesday, Magician Kings ( Reyes Magos )
The day of the three Magician Kings, or Epiphany, is a catholic festival celebrated mainly in the Hispanic world that remembers the day they recognised the new born Jesus, giving presents to him that symbolised wealth such as gold, incense and myrrh.
March 25, 2013, Monday, St. Joseph
Catholic feast day celebrating the Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, surrogate father of Jesus.
March 24 to 31, 2013, Holy week,
Catholic festival in which people pray and reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus Crist.
- Sunday 24 : Palm Sunday.
- Thursday 28 : Holy Thursday, the day of the Last Supper of Jesus with the 12 apostles.
- Friday 29: The day of the death of Jesus.
- Saturday 20: Holy Saturday, the day of mourning for the death of Jesus.
- Sunday 30: Easter Sunday or Easter, the day Jesus rose from the dead.
May 1, 2013, Wednesday, International Labor Day
Celebration of the world labour movement in which we remember the death of the 'Chicago Martyrs', who died on May 1st 1886, while claiming a working day of eight hours.
June 3, 2013, Monday, Corpus Christi
The Corpus Christi feast, also known as Corpus Domini, is a solemn liturgy which is celebrated in the tradition and belief that the body and blood of Jesus Christ is present in the Eucharist.
June 10, 2013, Monday, Sacred Heart
This Catholic holiday celebrates the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ which was manifested in His Passion.
July 1, 2013, Monday, St. Peter and St. Paul
Celebration in honour of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, two of the Apostles who gave a great testimony about the life of Jesus to the point of giving their lives for Him. They are considered the pillars of the Catholic Church because, thanks to them, the message of the church was spread around the world.
July 20, 2013, Saturday, Independence Day
This day marks the beginning of a series of events that led to the independence of Colombia from the Spanish Government. It is also known as the independence cry day and first took place on July 20th 1810.
August 7, 2013, Wednesday, Battle of Boyaca
The battle took place on August 7th 1819 and it finished the liberation campaign led by Simon Bolivar. The victory led to the emancipation of the countries formed the Viceroyalty of New Granada, ruled by the Spaniards.
August 19, 2013, Monday, Assumption of the Virgin
Catholics celebrate the death of the Virgin Mary and her ascension to the heavens.
October 14, 2013, Monday, Columbus Day
This day marks the meeting of two worlds. When Christopher Columbus and his expedition, comprised of three ships, sighted the continent that would later be called America. In the year 1492 began the discovery and colonisation of the Americas by European settlers.
November 4, 2013, Monday, All Saints' Day
It is a Catholic event dedicated to pay tribute to all the known and unknown saints who do not have a day attributed to them solely in their honour. It is a day to remember loved ones that have left this world.
November 11, 2013, Monday, Independence of Cartagena
In the year of 1811, the city of Cartagena was declared independent from Spain. This date is remembered because Cartagena was the first Colombian territory to achieve independence and the second in South America following Caracas, the capital of the Republic of Venezuela. From this moment and for 10 years afterwards there were a series of events that consolidated the absolute independence of Cartagena, also known as Cartagena de Indias.
December 8 de 2013, Sunday, Immaculate Conception
The feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrates the belief in the miraculous conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
December 25, 2013, Wednesday, Christmas
This day celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, according to the Catholic, Anglican, Romanian Orthodox churches and some Protestant communities. Christmas Nativity recalls the word nativity means birth. Catholics prepare for this celebration in Colombia from December 16th by praying with family and friends for nine days.