Spanish Trolley Dash
If you're going on holiday to Colombia and are staying in a self-catering apartment or a villa, then the chances are that you'll need to navigate a local supermarket. We've put together a handy little list of food, drink and utilities translated from English to Spanish to make sure your supermarket shop is as quick as possible; you'll be back on the beach in no time!
Apple | Manzana**
Bacon | Tocineta**
Beef | Carne**
Biscuits | Galletas**
Bread | Pan**
Butter | Mantequilla**
Cheese | Queso**
Chicken | Pollo**
Cucumber | Pepino**
Eggs | Huevos**
Fish | Pescado**
Full fat | Entera**
Garlic | Ajo**
Ham | Jamon**
Ice cream | Helado**
Jam | Mermelada**
Lemon | Limon**
Lettuce | Lechuga**
Milk | Leche**
Oil | Aceite**
Olives with stones | Aceitunas con semilla**
Olives without stones | Aceitunas sin semilla**
Onion | Cebolla**
Orange | Naranja**
Pork | Cerdo**
Rice | Arroz**
Salt and pepper | Sal y pimienta**
Semi-skimmed | Semi-desnatada**
Skimmed | Desnatada**
Sliced bread for toast | Pan de molde**
Sugar | Azucar**
Tinned chopped tomatoes | Tomate en cubos**
Tinned crushed tomatoes | Pasta de Tomate**
Tomato | Tomate**
Tuna | Atun**
Turkey | Pavo**
Bleach | Blanqueador**
Conditioner (hair) | Acondicionador**
Sponge | Esponja**
Sun cream | Crema Solar**
Toilet Roll | Papel Higienico**
Washing powder | Jabon en Polvo**
Washing up liquid | Lavavajillas**
Beer | Cerveza**
Camomile tea | Manzanilla**
Coffee | Café**
Fizzy | Agua con gas**
Red wine | Vino tinto**
Tea | Te**
Water | Agua**
White wine | Vino blanco**
Wine | Vino**
Bakery | Panaderia**
Butcher | Carniceria**
Cleaning products | Limpieza Del Hogar**
Dairy products | Productos Lacteos**
Drinks | Bebidas**
Fishmonger | Pescaderia**
Fruit and vegetables | Frutas y Verdura**
Make-up counter | Maquillaje**
Newspapers and magazines | Periodicos y Revistas**
Ready made meals | Platos Preparados**
Sweets and cakes | Dulces y Tortas**
Wine and spirits | Licores y Vino**